A Map to Urine Nation

I like to think Urine Nation succeeds as a guide for the bathroom challenged. But let’s face it – we’re a little low on actual facts and numbers. It’s all well and good to say find a hotel, find a Starbucks, find a phonebooth. But if I’m on corner A in neighborhood B, where the fuck is that actual fine hotel with the fancy handsoaps? We speak in generalities because it’d be more like a feature film, a decalogue even, to cinematically render ALL the locations deserving and accepting of your piss in Manhattan.

We keep it short video style because there are people out there like Tommy Mintz – an old high school chum of Rafi and I – who will go that extra mile. Ladies and Gentlemen, witness…


As seen in The New York Times.

Pee smart. Deuce smarter.

3 Responses to A Map to Urine Nation
  1. Dart_Adams

    You two are truly doing God’s work. Bless you both.


  2. Stephen Lewis

    Dear Celebrities, Thanks as always for cutting to truthful and the essential, conceptually and cinematically. But why not take it international? United Urine Nations! For years in Holland I happily pissed in canals until feminists took to pushing male pissers in. In formerly socialist Bulgaria, men and women still piss along roadsides and in parks; if you don’t want someone to see your dick, simply shout for them to look the other way. In Istanbul, a city with Roman and Byzantine roots and Ottoman decorum and hygiene, every mosque offers an adjacent WC; although when I am in a nostalgically elegant mood I pee in the restored, spotless toilets of the Sirkeci Railroad Station or, if I’m attired in suit and tie, in the WC’s of the city’s better hotels.

  3. Tommie Roach
