
We Left Our Mother’s Basement DVD

Internets Celebrities DVD

You can now buy our DVD featuring six Internets Celebrities classics (Ghetto Big Mac, Bodega, Cereal is Dope, Urine Nation Checkmate, Futuristic Brunch) for whatever you feel is a fair price.

Before you do, check out Robbie Ettelson’s review explaining why a DVD full of vids you can watch for free is worth buying.

Then click on the Paypal button below and enter your price. We’ll tack on $6 $5 for shipping but because we’re from the future this charge covers shipping anywhere in the world!

So order now and you’ll soon have the power of the internets sitting right there on your bookshelf, milkcrate, or junk-covered floor.


Bodega Food Pyramid Shirt

Bodega Food Pyramid from the video

Bodega Food Pyramid Shirt

The Bodega Food Pyramid helped illustrate the nutritious offerings of bodega cuisine in our second video, Bodega.

Now you can buy shirts and other apparel showing off the essential Bodega food groups: the Quarter Water food group, the Snack Cake food group, the Chips food group, the 40 oz. food group. Yellow food group not included.

Click to customize your shirt.

Chea We Can Believe In Shirt

First seen on our vendor table in Vend Diagram and now available online. The Chea shirt is a riff on the (long-lost?) days of Obama-mania and a paean to the divine mantra of Chea.

But what is Chea? Dallas said it best when he defined Chea as the act of sprinkling crack over the word ‘yes’.

Get Your Chea On!