Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival: The Lost Tapes

When the Internets Celebrities cover an event, that event GETS covered. In the fourth video culled from our one-day shoot at the Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival, the Internets Celebrities put everyone from the weed carriers to the label owners on tape.

3 Responses to Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival: The Lost Tapes
  1. casimir

    When is the next Killer Shah album coming out?

  2. Dan Love

    Hey fellas,

    You guys killed it at the BK Hip Hop Festival, these videos have been great. Keep taking the piss and making light of this overly serious beast we call hip hop.

    My brother (as in my parents’ other son) and I were particularly impressed with the notion of ‘dropping a deuce’ from one o the earlier videos and intend to make it our mission to bring the lingo to the UK. It beats ‘taking a crap’ anyday.

    Nice one.


  3. Dan Love

    Hey fellas,

    You guys killed it at the BK Hip Hop Festival, these videos have been great. Keep taking the piss and making light of this overly serious beast we call hip hop.

    My brother (as in my parents' other son) and I were particularly impressed with the notion of 'dropping a deuce' from one o the earlier videos and intend to make it our mission to bring the lingo to the UK. It beats 'taking a crap' anyday.

    Nice one.
